Persons with disabilities

Before your visit

Would you like to spend a day in one of our parks? We would like to extend a warm welcome to you. The Plopsa parks were designed with the utmost care and attention for all our visitors. Our parks are therefore easily accessible for wheelchair users. There are special facilities for them.

You can use your own wheelchair during your visit or reserve a wheelchair. It is recommended that you reserve your wheelchair in advance via this link. The number of wheelchairs available is limited.

The guide below was compiled to make your stay in our parks as pleasant as possible and to prepare your day as well as possible. It lists the facilities and services that you can use as a person with a disability and gives you a better insight into the policy that we apply regarding access to attractions for people with a disability.


All Plopsa parks have adapted and reserved parking spaces. These spaces are available to holders of a parking card for people with disabilities. A paid parking ticket is required for everyone.


Plopsa offers special rates for people with disabilities. These tickets can only be purchased at the reception in the Plopsa parks. Since our employees are not authorised to make any assessment regarding a (non)visible disability, we always ask you to present a valid statement* from an independent doctor confirming that you are unable to visit the park and/or the attractions without assistance and/or are unable to queue. If you are a wheelchair user or blind, you do not need to present this statement. The companion of a wheelchair user or blind person is admitted free of charge. The normal admission rates apply to other companions. The companion must be at least 15 years old (in Plopsaqua De Panne and Plopsaqua Hannut-Landen the minimum age for a companion is 18 years). After purchasing your ticket, you will receive a bracelet. This gives you access to the alternative entrance to the attractions. Please always wear your bracelet and show it when requested.

* The statement may not be older than 1 year.

European Disability Card

The European Disability Card is a card that aims to facilitate access to leisure activities for people with disabilities. Plopsa is also part of the network that accepts the card. By simply showing your European Disability Card, you can obtain a ticket ≥ 1m at a reduced rate at the ticket office of a Plopsa park.

More information or a European Disibilty Card can be requested here.

Priority wristbands

It is not possible to use this scheme in Plopsaqua De Panne and Plopsaqua Hannut-Landen.

Showing the European Disability Card at the ticket office of our parks is sufficient to benefit from the preferential rate, but unfortunately not to use the priority wristbands. This card is also issued to people whose disability does not form an obstacle to being able to join long queues.

In order to be able to use the priority wristbands, we therefore ask you to bring a certificate from an independent (family) doctor. This certificate may be max. 1 year old and must confirm that the person in question is mentally and/or physically unable to join long queues. A valid certificate from the FOD can also be used for this, on condition that a total of at least 7 points have been awarded (in all pillars together). Wheelchair users and blind people do not need to present these certificates.

To limit waiting times, we ask you to print and complete the ‘Declaration of knowledge’ below in advance.